To dm screen or not dm screen
Ok, I have to be honest with you all. I use to be dm screen for everything. I would not play without a screen. I love having a beautiful screen but I have ditched the screen and here's why.
It's a game, the dice rules the game. If you start hiding behind a screen it no longer is a game, because you now have advantage that the players don't have. Secrecy! That's not fair that be like playing monopoly and be the banker but all transactions are hidden from other players.
Ok ok you are right! Technically it's still a game but it's not fair. Also it helps not cheat the dice. I occasionally would help save a pc by lowering the dice result. I am big against this now and I realize that it was mistake that took me years to figure out. Dice are the main deciding factor.of.many things of role playing games. It should be shown to all.
You might be saying to yourself, I don't cheat. I say it like it is. Fine then why not show the players the roll. Why not.. oh because they need to be hidden or the players might figure out the NPC damage, Hit Points, or something else. Bah! So what if they do. It doesn't ruin the fun for anyone.
The only reason to use a dm screen is to hide your notes and use it for quick look ups. So use one but roll to the side. I personally just hide my notes in a clipboard that opens up. So I guess this rant has more with show your dice than a dm screen.