So recently I took a hiatus of sort so that I could deal with PAX Unplugged, and Philadelphia Area Gaming Expo. I am finding it hard to get back to putting my nose to grindstone. So here are a few things I am trying to do to help me.
I made a schedule to help get back to writing. I schedule myself for a minimum of 30 minutes a day writing.
I set alarms on my phone to get me away from the media to start writing
I made sure my family is holding me accountable, boy does my son like this one.
I started the new seasons of Ironbound. I contacted all the players and scheduled a time to go over new characters
I am starting a Plaguebound stream. This will help keep my mind in that world while gaming.
The media I am consuming in genre specific so sword and sorcery, dark fantasy or fantasy.
I started this blog. If I can't write on Plaguebound then I am writing here
Nothing super important here but this slowly helps me get back to my daily habits after taking such a long time off.
The Echoes of the Falling Star premieres Sunday February 2nd at 5:30 PM Eastern. Ironbound returns using Avenue Studios soon to be released on Kickstarter adventure Love, Death, & Monsters on February 7th at 8:00 PM Eastern. Check them both out on my YouTube and Twitch channels.
Stay bold, stay creative, and keep rolling!